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Alcor Zest D714I Tablet

Android features

  • Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean)
  • Multitasking OS
  • Multi-language OSD
  • Linux-based kernel
  • Wi-Fi support
  • Installing third-party applications from Google Play Store (applications may be subject to additional licensing fees)
  • Webkit-based web browser
  • E-mail client and calendar
  • Google voice search
  • Widgets on desktop and lock screen
  • Live wallpapers
  • Text input using on-screen keyboard
  • Improved lock screen
  • Refined UI for faster, smoother and more responsive user experience
  • Improved copy and paste functions
  • Improved notifications
  • Improved security
  • Multi-user environment
  • Daydream
  • Wireless display (requires a Miracast-supported TV set)

Manufacturer reserves the right to change the specifications, functions, or features at any time, without prior notice! Functions and OS features are subject to change after firmware upgrade.


  • The manufacturer does not guarantee compatibility (operation and/or bus power) with all USB devices and assume no responsibility for any loss of data that may occur when connected to this unit. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to create and maintain backups of any important data.
  • It may take longer for the system to read the contents of a USB drive with large amounts of data.
  • Some USB devices may not be properly recognized.
  • The unit is not compatible with all available 3G cellular data dongles.
  • Playback of some of the files - even if they are in supported formats - is not supported due to different codecs and codec settings. Supported file formats are for reference only and they are subject to change without prior notification after firmware upgrade!
  • The manufacturer does not guarantee or is not responsible for the correct operation or usage of any third party application.